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Leave of Absence

FirstService Residential utilizes a third-party, ADP Total Absence Management (TAM), to administer leave of absence for our associates.
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Human Resources will continue to be involved in any potential employee relations issues as well as communicating with managers regarding an employee’s leave. ADP TAM will notify HR of any potential employee relations issue as far in advance as practical.
Total Absence Management
This guide provides instructions on accessing and using the Total Absence Management Manager Self Service (MSS) application. From Total Absence Management Manager Self Service, you can search for participants, view participant information, request a leave on behalf of an employee, use the Contact Us feature, edit an employee’s work schedule, view leave details, request leave extensions, cancel a leave or leave extension and submit a Return to Work action.
MyADP Mobile User Training
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HR User Guide
The HR User Guide should be the first point of reference for our HR leave practitioners. More detailed information on best practices can be found in the LOA FAQ
TAM Legacy Manager Self Service User Guide – Client HR
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